W+ Analytics

The clear alternative for global investors.

Construct and customize indexes

Powerful, self-serve portfolio construction tool featuring FT Wilshire Index Series
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W+ is an intuitive interactive web-based tool that allows clients to construct and customize indexes. 

The sandbox experience  facilitates experimentation and customization  which clients can apply a variety of portfolio construction techniques to different starting universes, ranging from simple exclusionary filters to sophisticated factor tilting and optimization.  

Clients can assess choices across various metrics which include performance, risk attribution, factor and industry exposure, and implementation properties in real time. 

Contact us for a demo
Stock Screening

Stock Criteria, Classification Layers, Exclusion List

Quality, Momentum, Value, Size, Volatility, Yield, Carbon
Historical Performance
Performance Statistics and Historical Time Series
Sector Analysis

Industry Profiles
Exposure Analysis

Factor exposure and exposure history

P/E, P/B, P/S, PCF, Dividend Yield, Return on Equity
Performance Attribution

Extensive Output, Exporting Capabilities
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